The Palisades 2015 tennis season is ON! Our excellent pro, Doug Sokol, is back with clinics and private lessons for adults and kids of all skill levels.
Clinic schedules are listed on these Tennis Pages.
For questions about classes, or if you would like to schedule a private lesson or clinic, contact Doug at or 240-498-6140.
Kids Programs
Kids also love playing tennis with their friends–so sign up yours, and their buddies, for our after-school classes.
Court Reservations
During the pool season (Memorial Day weekend until Labor Day weekend), reservations for court time can be made in person at the pool front desk, or by calling the front desk at 301-229-9879. During April, and from September until November, reservations can be made through a telephone answering service for which there is a $10 annual fee for participating.
Tennis Players: Our regular tennis telephone line is temporarily out of service. Please use 301-229-2598 until further notice. Thank you!
Night Tennis
The tennis court lights are activated by a key which may be obtained for $30 by contacting Margo Zaneski, our tennis liaison. Keys issued previously are still operational and do not need to be replaced.
Members may reserve court time by calling the front desk at 301-229-2598 during pool hours, or by calling the reservation telephone service when the pool is closed. There is a $10 annual charge for this service.