Palisades Fall 2016 Tennis Program
Director of Tennis: Doug Sokol
We have programs for adults and kids of all ages and abilities.
Ladies 3.5/4.0 Tennis Topia League Team Practice
This practice is for those women who wish to compete on the Palisades Evening Team, that plays its matches on Thursday evenings from May through July. The practice will consist of mainly live ball drilling and emphasis on improving doubles play to prepare ourselves for competition.
Day and Time:
12:00pm -2:00pm
10:00am -12:00pm
First Practice is on April 23rd
$30 per Practice
Ladies Play to Win Clinic
This clinic is designed for women who desire to turn it up a notch! Special emphasis will be placed on winning doubles strategy along with more specialty shots. This class would be perfect for those women who compete in doubles leagues and on tennis teams.
Day and Time:
12:30pm – 2:00pm
April 12th – June 14th
$300 for 10 weeks (members)
$320 for 10 weeks (non-members)
Men’s and Women’s Cardio Tennis
It’s heart pumping tennis action. Burn calories. Hit a lot of tennis balls. It’s fast action and guaranteed to better your game and fitness. Lose up to 800 calories as we take you through challenging feeding drills.
Day and Time:
Thursday Afternoons
12:30pm -2:00pm
Beginning April 11th
Saturday Mornings
8:00am – 9:30am
Beginning April 13th
Reserve a spot at a cost of $200 for 8 classes. You may also attend this class on a drop-In basis for a fee of $30 per class. The maximum number of participants is 8, and those who prepay for the series have priority over drop-Ins.
Adult Evening Clinics
Day and Time:
Monday Evening Cardio
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Beginning April 8th
Mondays Beginner Clinic
7:00pm – 8:00pm
Beginning April 8th
Wednesday Intermediate
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Beginning April 10th
Friday Night Drill Session
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Beginning April 12th
$20 per Session
You do not need to pay for an 8 week session for these clinics; but please let Doug know if you will attend each week. There must be a least 3 participants for these clinics to be held.
Questions? Call Doug at (240) 498-6140 or email:
Private clinics
Choose your own day and time and then you, along with a minimum of 2 of your friends, can have a “private” Clinic. To arrange a private clinic please contact Doug at (240) 498-6140.