Palisades Spring 2017 Adult Tennis Program

Begins Thursday March 30
No classes April 10-16
Director of Tennis: Doug Sokol ( or 240-498-6140)
Registration forms are below
Ladies Beginner/Advanced-Beginner Clinic
This class is for those who have never played before. We will emphasize stroke technique and learning how to play singles and doubles.
This is also an excellent class for players who have played before, but may have taken off a few years and want to start playing again.
Wednesdays 9:30 am-11:00 am April 5 to June 14
Wednesdays 11:00 am – 12:30 pm April 5-June 14
Cost: $355 for 10 weeks ($330 for Palisades members)
Ladies 3.5/4.0 Tennis Topia League Team Practice
This practice is for women wanting to compete on the Palisades evening tennis team, which plays its matches on Thursday evenings from May through July.
The practice mainly consists of live ball drilling and emphasis on doubles play and strategy to prepare for matches.
Sundays 10 am-12 noon, starting April 23.
IMPORTANT: Contact me to be put on the Doodle invite list if you wish to attend (
Tuesdays 12:30-2:00 pm, starting on April 25.
Cost: $40 per practice
Ladies Play-to-Win Clinic
This class is for players who want to work on doubles strategy and specialty shots.   It’s perfect for women who play on doubles league teams.
Fridays 10:00 am-12:00 noon April 7 to Jun 16
Cost: $460 for ten weeks ($440 for Palisades members)
Ladies GWTA Team Practice
GWTA is the Greater Washington Tennis Association. We have two teams that compete against other area clubs for Palisades. The B4 team is for more experienced women at the 3.5 and 4.0 level and has matches on Tuesday mornings.
The C2 team is more of an entry level team for 3.0 level players. They play matches on Monday mornings.
Practices will consist of live ball drilling and working on doubles play to prepare for competition.
B4 practices: Mondays 10:00 am-12:00 noon starting April 3 (eight weeks)
(Note: the practices will be at 12:00 noon-2:00 pm when the C2 team has a home match)
C2 practices: Thursdays 10:00 am-12:00 noon beginning March 30 (eight weeks)
Cost: $370 for eight weeks ($340 for Palisades members)
Men’s and Women’s Cardio Tennis 
If you want to get your heart pumping and burn calories while improving your game, this is the clinic for you!
Saturday mornings 7:30-9:00 am and/or 9:00-10:00 am
Thursday mornings 9:00 am-10:00 am
Cost: Reserve a spot for $220 for 12 classes or attend on a drop-in basis for $25 per class.
The class is capped at six participants, and those who prepay have priority over drop-ins.
For Saturday classes, you must contact me ( to be placed on the Doodle invite list and then sign up each week upon receiving the invitation.
Adult Evening Clinics
Beginners: Mondays 7:00-8:00 pm beginning April 3
Intermediate: Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 pm beginning April 5
Cost: $20 per session with four or more players; $25 per session with three players
Note: Contact me ( to let me know you want to participate in these clinics. I will them put you on the Doodle invitation list. Signup will remain open until 24 hours before the scheduled clinic start time. Class will be canceled if we do not have at least three participants.
Private Clinics
Choose your own day and time and then you, along with a minimum of two friends, can have a “private” clinic. To arrange, please contact me at 240-498-6140.
Questions? Contact me at or 240-498-6140
2017 Adult Tennis Registration Form
PHONE ________________________________________
1. Class _________________________________________________
Day &Time____________________________________________
2. Class____________________________________
Day & Time________________________________
3. Class _____________________________________
Day & Time___________________________________
4. Class ___________________________________
Day & Time__________________________________
Please return form along with check payable to:
Doug Sokol
4805 Abbeyville Place
Olney MD 20832