February 1-29: Pay Your Annual Membership Dues
**Please read this information carefully and thoroughly.**
It’s almost time to pay your 2024 dues! Between February 1 through February 29, log into your Palisades account to pay your dues. Credit cards only, no checks. All credit card fees have been waived and you will not incur any additional charges when you pay by credit card.
How to Pay Your Dues or Inactivity Fee
- Log into your Palisades account via our website (https://palisadespool.com)
- Verify your membership information:
- Make sure your membership category is correct (see below for membership categories and dues amounts). If you need to change your category or have any questions, email membership@palisadespool.net
- To make any changes to your mailing address, phone number, or email address, click “Edit” in the dark blue box next to your account number. You can also edit the contact information for each member on your account by clicking “Edit” next to the member’s name.
- To add or remove family members from your account, you must email membership@palisadespool.net
- To opt into the online directory, toggle the “Include in Online Directory” switch so that it is blue.
- To pay your dues, resident associate fee (if applicable – see membership categories below), guest fees, or inactivity fee, click “Pay Now” in the red banner under Account Summary.
- You must select the “Credit or Debit” button at the bottom of the next page under PAYMENT METHOD in order to move to the final page. When you enter your credit card expiration date, you must enter it as: MM-YYYY (note the dash -).
2024 Membership Categories and Dues Amounts
- Bonded Family $620
- Bonded Single $455
- Provisional (formerly Temporary) Family $920
- Provisional (formerly Temporary) Single $730
- Bonded Senior Single/Senior Couple $405/$520: a bonded member (or if a bonded couple, the older individual) aged 70 prior to the opening of the pool for the season. Proof of age required. Please note: a membership consisting of an adult parent and an adult child do not qualify for this category.
- Resident Associate $110: an adult child of a member living at home between the ages of 26 through 29 is no longer eligible to be listed as a “child” on a family membership but may become a Resident Associate on your Membership for an additional $110. Adult children aged 30 and older must purchase their own bond (if their parent is a bonded member) or join the waitlist. Caregivers, nannies, and au pairs do not qualify for the Resident Associate category. The Board of Directors will evaluate specific cases in which an adult child has special needs and is not able to live independently.
- Senior Emeritus – No Charge: bonded members aged 82 and older can enjoy free access to Palisades with unlimited guest passes in exchange for their bonds. Proof of age required. If you think you quality for this membership, do not pay your dues and email membership@palisadespool.net for more information.
- Inactivity Fee: $300: members may pay a $300 inactivity fee in lieu of their annual dues. By paying this fee, all members on the account do not surrender their membership but cannot use any Palisades facilities for the current operating year. Once the inactivity fee is paid, the member must wait for the next dues season to fully reinstate their membership for the following operating year. Beginning in 2024, membership accounts may only be inactive for no more than an aggregate of two seasons during the entirely of their Palisades membership tenure. Inactive seasons prior to 2024 will not count toward the two aggregate seasons.
Important Dates:
- February 1- 29:
- Dues season is open – members can pay dues, inactivity fees, etc.
- All payments are made through your Palisades account, which is accessed using https://palisadespool.com
- Please note that dues must be paid using a credit card. Checks will not be accepted. All credit card fees have been waived and you will not incur any additional charges when you pay by credit card.
- March 1 – March 31:
- $100 late fee imposed on dues payments
- Membership eligibility is based on capacity
- Once capacity is reached, all unpaid accounts may only pay the $300 inactivity fee and will not have access to Palisades for the 2024 season
- April 1:
- Unpaid provisional membership accounts will be terminated. Terminated members wishing to rejoin Palisades must apply for the waitlist.
- Bonded memberships will be deactivated and cannot be reactivated until the following dues season AND all outstanding inactivity fees have been paid.
- Per our bylaws, after three years of inactivity, the member’s bond reverts to Palisades and the membership is terminated.
Children and family memberships
Children permanently residing in the member’s household may be included in a family membership. Visiting grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc. may visit Palisades as a guest of the member and all associated fees/policies will apply.
Caregivers are defined as a type of healthcare professional provided to assist a member who has a medical condition. There is no additional charge for the caregiver’s entry. If this scenario applies to you, please email membership@palisadespool.net for more information.
Babysitters (childcare providers including au pairs) are not included in a family membership. They may accompany member children at no charge if – and only if – an adult member on the family account is not in attendance. If this scenario applies to you, please email membership@palisadespool.net for more information.
If you have any questions, please email membership@palisadespool.net.
Terminating Your Membership
If you are a temporary member and wish to terminate your membership, please email membership@palisadespool.net If you are bonded member, please see our Bond FAQs page for information on how to surrender your bond and terminate your membership.
If you have questions, please email membership@palisadespool.net.